Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Hero: Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

I want to be like her.
She helps people.
She blesses people.
She is like a very famous mentor to many, I am sure.
She is everything I want to be when I grow up.

I really cannot write out everything that she is here because it will be too long.
She brings changes to the world with every word that is spoken from her lips.
Everything she does, it helps the world.

That's the person I want to be in the future.
I want toNbring change no matter big or little.
She showed me and everyone else that it's possible to bring change.
She is and will always be my hero.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Love of a younger brother

It was dinner time and there was a disagreement on the table. The topic of my two brothers who often argue came up. The older one defended himself saying that, the younger brother disrespected him and often scolded him too. I sort of disagreed with it but I kept my mouth shut. The little 6-year old boy said, in his defense, that the older brother is always bullying him and that the brother is always the one starting a quarrel.

For everyone who has younger or older siblings will understand that the older one will always lose this kind of battle. This is partly true because in this case, my parents and I often witnessed the older one being a little bit meaner than necessary to the little one. Obviously, as an older sister, you would not really take sides. My little brother is six and the older brother is sixteen but yet, the younger one is being the mature one. I am eighteen and I dare say that 6-year-old can be 16 for his maturity.

After promising me, my mum and himself, the older one promised that he would not speak to his little brother ever again. Upon hearing this, the little one did not appear to be upset, angry or even hateful. He simply continued eating his dinner like nothing happened. I can see his little face falling from heaven but he did not cry or shed even a drop of tear.

After the older brother excused himself from the table, the little one also got up but he left to get a piece of paper and a pencil. He started writing while asking for the spelling of his brother's name, " do not" and "okay". When I pieced together the words he's trying to tell his older brother, it broke my mum's heart as it broke mine.

I love you if you do not love me, then it's okay.

He delivered it to his older brother's bedroom, with a quiet knock on the door and "Gor gor, can I come in?" He was only greeted by a harsh no from the inside. So, he slipped the note under the door and quietly went to take his bath without a fuss. And my little brother is only six.

Then, I asked him, "Did gor gor say anything?"
"No, he didn't say anything."
"Are you sad?"
"Yes but good thing, I have Ipad to keep me busy,"
"Why do you love him if he doesn't love you?"

He turned away from the Ipad screen, looked me square in the eyes, "Because he is my brother, I love him even if he doesn't love me."
He is six years old and that was his answer.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Facts about living

When you do something for too long, you lose sight of what you are chasing after and you wonder why you are working so hard. You forget what your goal is and you end up wandering everywhere without a direction, lost because you lost hope and you lost faith.

Even with a constant reminder, the reason might turn out to be just a reason because our priority changes with time.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You will be missed

Life is short. 
Live your life with no regrets. 
Treasure the ones you love 
And enjoy every moment with them 
Because when they're gone, it might be too late.

Dedicated to Timmy Chin's big brother. 
You were an awesome brother and a good friend to many. 
You will be missed dreadfully.

To Tim's family,
My prayers will be for you guys.
Stay strong.

Stat strong, this won't last forever.

Dedicated to those who wake up in the morning with a smile on their faces even though they are dying inside.
There is always that one person who will be strong for you when you can't be strong for yourself and to catch you when you fall.
Don't give up hope yet.

I can't pretend to know how you feel
But know that I'm here , know that I'm real
Say what you want or don't talk at all
I'm not gonna let you fall

You used to face the world all on your own
Now I won't let you go, go it alone
Be who you want to be,
Always stand tall
I'm not gonna let you fall

Reach for my hand 'cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on it too
Eveything changes but one thing is true, understand
I'll always be here to help you stand

Love Tryphena

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm tired from sitting all day.

So, as to the title above. I am tired from sitting all day, my butt really hurts. Something is wrong with me. My body hurts when I get up in the morning, I get weird dreams and I can't sleep at night.


I watched Johnny English with Francine and Tim today. Bing, Bong, Adrian and Kee were late for the movie but they still get to watch it. The movie was amazingly hilarious, even in the most serious situations, Rowan Atkinson can make it into a comedy. It's a gift to be able to do that without cracking up yourself. And from Fran's blog, she said she find it hard to decide whether she is laughing at the movie or at me laughing. So, My laugh is laughable. Naice..

Physics practical was okay. As we all know, the gravitational acceleration is suppose to be 9.81g/ms2 Guess what I got? 77.41g/ms2. Wonderful.

I have no school tomorrow which is good, it's a day for me to study all day. I really should study, come to think of it.

Gonna blog again around midnight :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Late Night Thoughts #3

Well, it's midnight now. I can't sleep which is quite normal. I feel guilty when I sleep too early. It's like O'm wasting my tims.

Ouch, just knocked my head on my bed post. Well, that hurts. And I'm going to watch Johnny English tomorrow :)

I so excite :3

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Watching by the sidelines

This song always reminds me of them. It was a time where things were okay but falling apart at the same time. No matter how much I loathe the guy who broke my best friend's heart, this is a story of them that I find bittersweet then and even now.

She was going to transfer schools. He was trying to be strong for her even if it meant being okay with the fact that she won't be in school anymore. They were at a gathering on the beach that night. She was fine. He was fine. They did not speak of the inevitable, maybe it was far from their thoughts, that was until this song came on.

His eyes watered but tears did not fall. She must have seen it because she took him away from the crowd to take a walk on a beach. I'm not sure if they walked for a long time or they sat down after a short walk. Either way, I remember her telling me that his arms around her and I'm imagining that her head was on his chest. Then, he broke down. Shoulders trembling, whole body shaking, silent sobs. He was crying, for her.

But that is a memory now, for her. It is obvious that I am watching all these by the sidelines but even so, it does not ease the pain that I feel for her when I hear this song. They are, in my opinion, perfect for each other no matter how incompatible she thinks they are. He makes her happy and she's happy with him.

It's hard for me to believe that it ended so fast. I saw this relationship build up and crumble in front of my eyes. I witness a girl's heart being shattered to pieces, I've watched her crumble so many times, because of him. It broke my heart just to think about the pain she has to go through. Seeing him every day, I've watched her brighten up at the sight of him while dying a little inside.

I may never know the amount of strength it took for her to get up in the morning and move on with life even though we both know she is far from getting over him. Every time I see her, I see the pain that is well masked behind everything, I know it hurts no less every single day.

I wish she doesn't have to go through all of these. It sucks to feel something like this, it's also hard for me to see her go through all these. Till then, she knows I'll always be there. She knows that I love her. It may not be much but I hope it might be just enough because everything will always be about him.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I know I will never measure up to him. He will always be the one that you would prefer to hang with. I know you love him and he will always be your priority. I will never amount to what he is to you. He will always be someone who matters. He'll always be someone that will put a smile on your face. I wish that I can be that but I know for a fact that I don't matter as much.

I'm fine here. As long as you smile, as long as you laugh, as long as you are fine, I will be okay. You know I'll be there when you need me. You know you matter a lot to me and seeing you everyday, knowing that we are friends is a blessing. You gave me memories that I cannot replace, showed me what life is and how to live it. You'll always be my best friend and a sister I never had. I love you, that's all I want to say.

I miss you

Do you still talk about me?
Think of me, ever?
Am I in your thoughts,
for even one short second?
It should be easy,
just like breathing.
You would be my sun,
someone that I could not live without.
Maybe it was never meant to be
Or it did not work out.
But I miss you.

I hope you are doing well
because that's all I want for you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

So, it's late. 12.11am

It's midnight and I finished emptying my thoughts that are buzzing in my head. I don't know why but I get the urge to write or something around this time of the night. Thoughts just come in your head like "BOOM!!!" and you can't sleep because you're too busy thinking.

But then, you get too tired to write all these stuff down and you end up forgetting everything that you thought about by the time you wake up which frustrates me because I get the best ideas for writing materials in my bed. *where I sleep and do nothing else*

Oh well, studying sucks, that's for sure. You get so tired of books that you just want to run away and never look back. Might be getting some nail polish to do my nails if I get too stressed or something. It's new thing for me because I love colors and apparently my parents don't like me coloring my hair too much so I'll try colors on my nails.

Might be fun for once. P/s. I'm not the type to absolutely love nail polish and heels. I like them but I'm not crazy about them.

I'm sleepy. That's a first. Guess I'll try to sleep.

Night all.

Late night thoughts #2

For everyone who studied, I'm sure you've been through a time where you feel trapped after studying for 9 days a week.

You would have the temptation to stand up in the middle of a lecture or a study session, leave and run towards the sunset, never looking back.

That something in your mind makes you snap at everybody about everything and make you into someone you're not.

That's what studying does to you when you study too much in a same place.

I mean, there has to be something more meaningful than studying. I'm sure it's important to have an education but there is more to life than gaining knowledge from books and looking for a way to earn money with that knowledge.

Going through life with a dead routine is not living. Yes, it might be someone else's type of life but it's not mine. I do not believe everyday is meant to be the same.

When something happens to me, I never fail to remember the date, the time and the venue of what happened. It is something out of the norm and it brought color to my life, no matter how good or how bad it was. It made that day different.

Now, I remember my days perfectly because one of my best friends is a random, fun loving, unpredictable retard that makes my day by being there and being a sweetheart that she is. My everyday life is never the same with her in it.

You did not live until you decide try something new everyday.
You did not live until you make new mistakes for the day.
You did not live until you take risks that will let you soar in the sky.
You do not live until you learn something new.

A new day is like a chance for you to give something back to the world, no matter how big or small you are. It might be giving your help to those who need it. It might be giving someone a shoulder to cry on without judging them. It might be spending some time with orphans or people in the nursing homes. Or it might be just  the simple fact that you care.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Late night thoughts #1

Some things will always be different in a way that it can still be the aame.

We will take different paths now but we will end up meeting at the point where all roads intersect.

The earth takes a long time to turn and oscilate but it will always go back to the spot where it left days or months ago.

We started out innocent, then we changed and became different people but by the end of the day, we will all end up the same way, dead.

Something more to life.

Sometimes when I see the news, reports about war, murders, casualties are always headlines. It's either that or some other political news. Everyone reads new or stories like such on a daily basis, they will comment on what the government should do or how to prevent something similar from happening? But yet, these are all just small talk and nothing more.

Oprah Winfrey never cease to amaze and inspire me with her words of wisdom and her inredible effort to help people. Her show actually shows real things happening in real life. It's not only about celebrities and how they live a glamorous life. The show showcases real people in real situations and points out the problems that are happening in the world. She doesn't stop there. Miss Winfrey made an effort to help other people and to bring change to the world. Moreover, she showed us that we can be the change instead of waiting for it to happen.

I have always admired her willingless to help others in need because it is not about the money. People have been blessed by her throughout the years and I believe that she will continue to be a blesing to the world till the day she takes her last breath. I've seen the joy in people's eyes when they get something totally unexpected, it never was about the money, it is knowing that someone else cared. It was just simple as that.

I want to be someone like her. Inspiring, loving and humble. I want to be all of that. The things that she has done brought joy, change and peace to the world. At least a lot of people and I think so. I want to do the same because it makes life actually worh living.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I am still stupid enough to do this.

I have been stupid enough to care about someone who obviously ignores me the moment everything is alright again. Told myself that it would not happen again. Then, they call me asking for my help and my impulsive urge to help always repeats the cycle.

So, everything is alright now. I am once again left alone with myself. Yet, I still take the blow and wait in the corner because I know you will call me soon enough. I don't mind helping but I don't understand why I put up with people like that? Maybe it's because they mean so much to me that I don't mind.

Now THAT is a stupid reason but then again, it's true. Sigh.