Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I was enchanted to meet you.

Guys, I used to hate them.

Not saying that I'm lesbian, well, I might be.. Just kidding. But I used to be sooooo over guys. That was till I met him.

I never expected manners from guys because most of them just don't care. They think being rude and impolite and crude is the way to go. It is the way to go, if they want a chair, in their face. The egos, lame jokes, obssession with cars, computers and sports. I don't get it at all. Why can't they make conversions with easier topics like the weather and music? Ugh. Anyway..

He was surprisingly polite and nice. He was a gentleman. Most of my guy friends are so comfortable with me around that they punch me in the arm and enjoy killing me in COD. He treated me not only like a friend, but like a girl. He was the first guy to ever make me feel like I am a girl and not just some other person that he knows.

Why can't all guys be like him? Being a gentleman is not hard, it requires less work than being an ass. Imagine if the world had people like him, there will be no more war. Okay, maybe not that but at least, there will be less broken girls.

Nowadays, when I get a glimpse of him, my heart skips a beat and I smile, often to myself. I'm not sure why but I guess it's a good thing for me to feel this way and my best friend is more excited about this than I am.

You see, guys like him give me hope that not every other guy out there is a jerk. He exists, I guess that's enough for me.


To this guy that I am writing about, you are amazing. Don't stop being who you are, the world needs more people like you. And I guess I like you. Heh.

And to those who know who I'm talking about, stop laughing or smiling and no, you may not flop around and say "awwwwwwwww". I love you guys but if this gets out, I KNOW who to look for.

No, this is not a crush :p

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