Monday, October 17, 2011

Last words I want to say if I ever leave this world earlier than planned.

Stay strong. Never give in to temptation. Love till you can't anymore and hold every person close to your heart, for you never know who means the most to you. Never settle for less than you should deserve. Never change for anyone else except for yourself. Believe that you can achieve anything that you want. The sky is the limit. Keep your head high and know that you are loved.

For my parents and both my brothers, Aaron and Joshua.

For Francine, Emery, Andrew, CKM, Darren, Margaret, Jade, Trish, Lianne, Vui Ting, Ling Jin, Ivy, Timmy, Audrey, Kelly, Selwyn, Abigail, Christie, Foo, Marie, Samuel, Pei Hung and Yi Mei.

For those who cry themselves to sleep at night and for those who are going through hard times now.

1 comment:

  1. AS exams considered as a hard time?...then yeap...Nice btw...I can't really do my blog...not yet anyways.
