Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If hearts were unbreakable, then I could just tell you where I stand.

One day, you will see me smiling.
You will be convinced that I am content, happy.
Decieved by the invisible walls that i have build,
To keep everything out,
To protect no one but myself.
My laugh will be loud, even contagious.
Everyone will be sure that I am fine
When I know I'm not.
Everyone believes it, why shouldn't they?
I can be an Oscar winning actress, with this skill I acquire.
I could be that one woman,
That struggles so hard, yet refusing to fall
In this film, I would be the heroine that lost everything else and yet still standing tall
Wouldn't that be fair?
Getting something out of being strong for everybody.
If only minions of justice exist in the world,
Every tear shed will not dry up in vain.

You would believe that everything is fine.
Once again, tricked,
By this act in scene three.
It's believable right, this play?
Every scene, seamlessly real.
Curtain call, the play has ended.
Standing ovation as I take my last bow.
Thank you for coming, much is appreciated.
This routine has been the past and the present,
It will be a rerun in the future, it is a cycle.

This lie I wrote, never meant to be disscected or understood.
It is to be heard and for you to ignore like you did everytime.
I will never be your priority so I understand.
You will never look for me if I get lost in the land of dreams.
You will not be the first one to reach out your hand if I was drowning in my own hell.
You might be the one running when you see me being mauled by my own demons.
Afterall, i am nothing but a tool,
A nothing among your life of everything.

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