Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sarah Kay's 8 Day Challenge

So, I found a challenge on tumblr. It's by known spoken poetry poet, Sarah Kay. I look up to her and I love her poetry. She makes me think and she helps me breathe. This list of things, it looks like something that I need. So, why not? (:

  1. Make a List of: things you know to be true
  2. Make a List of: things that make you angry
  3. Make a List of: the most unusual things you do every day
  4. Make a List of: things you no longer believe
  5. Make a List of: things you should have learned by now
  6. Write Poetry: with “I remember sentences
  7. Write Poetry: about your heart—not what it does or who it loves, but the odd and weird stuff it is made of
  8. Write: a love poem … for a non traditional item or person

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