Saturday, November 16, 2013

Glee S05E05 "The End of Twerk" Review! SPOILERS!

1. First of all, kudos to Alex Newell's acting in this episode. 

His performance swept me off my feet, down the stairs, out the door and up a tree!

Newell plays a male-to-female trans on Glee. In this episode, his character, Wayne "Unique" Adams, gets bullied for using the little boys room. Newell also performed the song Beyonce's "If I were a boy" after being harassed by three jocks in the toilet. I felt chills over and over again during his whole performance. He KILLED it! Again, his acting in this scene was heartbreakingly sincere! His interpretation of the song was perfect for this situation. Even though this is acting but you can see that every lyric that poured from his mouth comes from somewhere deeper in him.

Here's the full performance of "If I Were A Boy" from "The End of Twerk"

"Unique" later explained to Glee teacher-in-charge, Mr. Will Schuester, that she doesn't feel comfortable using the boys bathroom. Mr Schuester told her to come to him "when nature calls" so that he can open the door of the faculty's bathroom for her. Sue Sylvester who is principle witnessed this and approached Mr Schuester to make a deal.

Unique gets a copy of the faculty's bathroom key and Glee club stops twerking. Yes, they were twerking. I'll get to that later.

2. Marley and Jake's relationship: No more?

The two newcomer lovebirds from season 4 who we've grown to love and root for. Jake cheated on Marley with Bree *pronounced it like Kitty does in the 4th episode* and then, Bree rubbed it in Marley's face.

Maybe now Ryder(L) has a chance?

So who is Bree? She first appeared in the 1st episode "Love, Love, Love" as a cheerleader and she is the "black cheerio" that was made head cheerleader in the 2nd episode "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds" by Sue to bring down *ahem* motivate the Glee Club. She's such a bitch though.

This is the exact moment when she is promoted after being caught by Coach Roz Washington for pulling a prank on Tina-Cohen Chang during Prom.

Melissa Benoist who plays the sweetheart, Marley Rose, did an amazing job in the scene where she confronted Jake about his affair with Jake. That part where she begged Jake that it's not real and the quiver in her voice when she said, "..especially with h-h-her." Even though we know that Jake really did cheat on her with Bree but at that moment, I was screaming at my laptop at him to say no for her sake.

Even her outfit is very "Marley-inspired". 
This picture shows anguish Marley rather than heartbroken Marley.

Then, she performed the ever-famous "Wrecking Ball", I give it 2 out of 5 stars. I was disappointed by her performance. It was supposed to be devastating, it was supposed to be heartbreaking when she performed it because her boyfriend cheated on her. I didn't feel it. It lacked emotions, emotions that suited the situation. She is no doubt an amazing singer bu it was not one of her best performances. To be honest, I was half expecting the hammer licking LOL


Are they REALLY over? I guess we have to stay tune to find out. 

p/s I really hate Bree now.

And did you see the ending scene of the episode? Everyone is huddled in a group, except for the both of them. Marley's in front and Jake is behind her (somewhat?) and you can just sense drama in the next episode.
Will it be like a Quinn-Finn-Puck thing?
Will the whole club be affected like last time?
Hmm, maybe if it does happen, it will bring everyone closer...?
Food for thought ;)

3. Old Glee is back?

Unique's situation gave the New Directions a chance to be true to what the club was about in the first place. Mr Schuester gave up the chances of twerking at Nationals (I think..?) so that Unique gets the key to the faculty bathroom. The last scene in this episode is one of the best portrayal of what Glee is really about.

Their cover of The Royal Concept's "On Our Way" is for me is one of the best songs that they ever performed as the new New Direction. It is similar as "This Is A New Year" in Season 4's episode 12 "Naked". It is "old school Glee, upbeat, optimistic, full of youth and hope", quoted from this episode.

Performance of "This Is A New Year"

Now they are a team, they have each other backs, singing songs that give us hope like the old New Directions.

Will they be going in this direction or will they take a turn down to another town? I hope not, unless if it's somewhere better!

5. On Rachel and Kurt's tattoos

Somehow our two favorite "Gravity" singers/best friends have decided to get tattoos. And we learn that their impulsiveness is due to coping with Finn's death. I am happy to see that Finn is not completely abandoned and he is in some ways remembered, especially by ex-fiance, Rachel who got a tattoo of "Finn" with an "i" dotted with a heart.

I think their story lines are in many ways appropriate and relevant. This episode doesn't focus much on them but I think that the main thing for them this episode is them getting back up on their after losing their brother/fiance.

I would love to see how this goes. We are so proud for Rachel and so excited to see Kurt's new band! I forgot the band's name though..

Till next week, Gleeks!

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