Saturday, December 21, 2013

30 day challenge

Obviously, I love challenges. So, I will finish this until I don't feel like typing. I won't follow the days though or I'll be lazy.

Day 1: What do you regret the most?
Day 2: Who/what can’t you live without? Explain.
Day  3: If you could wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish for?
Day 4: What is true love?
Day 5: What’s the point of life? Define a great life.
Day 6: What is your phobia/fear?
Day 7: What does your name mean? Why were you named what you were named?
Day 8: Have you ever had your heart broken? Have you ever broken a heart?
Day 9: What do you like the most about yourself? (physically and emotionally)
Day 10: What do you dislike the most about yourself? (physically and emotionally)
Day 11: Are you a lover or a fighter?
Day 12: What would you say your biggest fear is when it comes to relationships?
Day 13: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change and why?
Day 14: What are features you get complimented on a lot?
Day 15: What’s something you wish you could say to that someone?
Day 16: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Day 17: Choose: trust or love
Day 18: What’s your passion?
Day 19: Write a letter to yourself stating all the things you love about yourself.
Day 20: Does love = sex?
Day 21: Your best friend just died. What’s your reaction?
Day 22: Whom do you admire the most?
Day 23: What is your goal in life?
Day 24: What gives you sincere happiness?
Day 25: What are the 10 most significant events in your life?
Day 26: When were the happiest days in your life?
Day 27: What is the one problem, challenge, or issue your were born to address?
Day 28: If you died tomorrow, what’s one thing you’d regret not doing?
Day 29: If you died tomorrow, would you want anyone to know something?
Day 30: Who are you?

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