Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Birthday to my mum :) *copied from my Facebook*

Happy Birthday to my beautiful Momma :) Thank you for always being there whether be it to help me look for my stuff that always magically appear to you or to just cook food. Thank you for raising me up to know what is right and what is wrong, for teaching me to differentiate between black and white and also the grey areas.

Thank you for putting up with my food dreams all these years and for listening to my rants even though sometimes it only makes sense to my 19 year old head.

This is my last time celebrating your birthday with you as a teenager in which sounds very bittersweet. I know that I don't say this much, thank you for everything that you did all these years. And on behalf of the two monkeys at home, I would like to say that we appreciate all that you did even though sometimes we don't show it and to be honest, we don't know what we'll do without you.

OHH, I forgot to hang the laundry last night so I had to hang in early in the morning, heh.

Dad still has no idea where to eat, LOL!

I hope you have a wonderful day in school.

We love you very much.


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