Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Love, the unconditional kind.

They say love is the abstract feeling that we can't explain.
It's something that we feel and we can't stop it.
We love because it's something that we're meant to do.

I think there is a way to explain love,
at least I'm able to explain it in my own way.
I've never really been in love, it's mostly crushes and stuff
but you don't have to be in love that way to know what pure love is.
I've fallen hard for guys but somehow,
I do not believe that I love them in that sense, unconditional, I mean.

I have only felt such love towards my family and my best friend.
To love anyone unconditionally, is just that ability to not stop loving them
even in the hardest of times.
To me, love doesn't always have to involve a guy.
I did not learn to love from a guy, so yeah, it doesn't have to involve a guy.

I love my family, I would do anything for them.
If they need a kidney, I'd give them one because I have two.
I would destroy anyone who would try to hurt them.
Even though arguments between us always arise,we forgave each other as fast as it ended.

My best friend, I guess I'm just lucky to meet her.
My other half, the missing puzzle piece in my life.
I don't have a boyfriend but I'm happy enough when I'm with her.
I don't ask for much.
In fact, if this is all I'm getting, I wouldn't ask for anything more than that.

To love someone, in my own definition,
is to just care with everything that you have.
To love someone is
to put their happiness before your own and not to be selfish with them.
To love someone is
to be there for them no matter the circumstances.
To love is
to know when to fight and when to fight harder,
when to hold on and when to never let go.

I care about my family's safety when they travel without me.
I over think about situations that might happen to them when I'm not around them. 
I worry when my parents are not back from a banquet after midnight.
I get mad when my brother is still out with his friends after his curfew.
I get protective when my little brother complains about the kids who always take food from him.

I worry about my best friend when she tells me she has to work past midnight.
I stay up until I get a text from her telling me that she's safe home.
I care even when we disagreed and are snapping at each other.
I get so protective that I want to shield her from everything that might hurt her because she was so upset.
I know I still care despite all the feuds because I want to have her in my life.

Love is not about spending the rest of your life with that one person.
Love is something that consumes you completely.
It is something that you don't question question nor do you doubt.
Love is something that gives you strength to keep holding on
no matter how much it hurts.
It is something that you does not need a reason for.

There are a lot of definitions but here's my last, for now.


I hug you and tell you I love you even after the worst of disasters because there are no reasons for me to stop loving you.

That, to me is what unconditional love is.

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