Friday, March 16, 2012

Fear. Of losing the people that you love.

So, it's like 12.14am and I can't sleep because whenever I close my eyes, I see my best friend on the brink of death in the hospital and then she dies. What the frick.. Francine, I blame you.

Okay, so here's the thing. I've always had the fear of losing the people that I love in one a way or another. Usually they leave out of my life but then, the other way is that they die which did not happen.

Whenever my inseurities get the best of me, I'll be afraid that they will leave me suddenly, something like a break up. When I am cantent that I have friends that I know that will stay forever, I HAD to overthink everything and become paranoid that I will lose them to death.

Seriously? Brain?

Apparently I have a vivid imaginaiton so I can make the things in my mind look so real that it seems like reality. It is so annoying.

I mean, anything can happen right? Every dreams can seem so real.

I need to breathe because I think I will go crazy thinking about this.

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