Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The moments you live for, the little things that keep you going.

For the first time ever, three sentences actually made me speechless.

I was randomly talking to my best friend about her future that includes beautiful babies which she almost always add a "pffffftttt" to before I can finish my sentence. And she said "You have a future too." I was messed up in the head at that time. I was upset over some things but I'm not sure what, everything from the past just came back to me. I was feeling so horrible then.

I put my arms behind my head and spoke my mind without meaning to.

"No, I would be the one who is nice to everyone and get screwed over in the end."

I never expected an answer from whatever I said, so basically, I honestly did not expect her to give me this answer at all.

I was staring at the window behind her with my hands resting comfortably behind my head. Then, she spoke without looking at me.

"Not everyone leaves."

I was stunned. She continued, this time looking at me,

"Not everyone will screw you over. I won't."

With that, she smiled at me and said nothing else.

Usually my instinct would tell me to reject this or to stop trying to believe it. But this time, its shouts are nothing but soft, tame purrs. And by some miracle, I actually believed her.

Is it wrong to be scared to trust that people would actually stay? Or is it easier to push this away just so I won't get hurt again?

People like to make promises the same way they like to break them. No one keeps promises nowadays, right? I know I always keep promises but does anyone do that anymore?

She is my best friend and this time, I find no reason to NOT believe that she will stay and be there. In fact, I do not need a reasaon to believe her. I just do and I guess that's enough for me.


You know the little things you look forward to everyday?
The people that makes your day when you see them?
The moments in some days that makes you feel complete?
The little things in life that you hold on to so that it keeps you going?

This is who amd what I hang on to, the only reason I am still breathing here.
If I ever lose these, I have nothing else left, nothing left to live for.

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