Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I love you. Please tell me that you love me back.

I never thought I will feel the pain that Santana from Glee felt. The pain of loving someone so much and watching them love someone else. I saw the scene where she told her best friend Brittany that she loved her. I'm in a different situation but I guess the pain is no different.

It's like you see them, you're happy but you question your worth to them. They make your day but the thought of never being able to call them yours just killed you inside.

But then, you love them so much that you tell yourself that it's okay as long as they are happy. As long that someone treats them right. You get jealous because you will never be the reason that they wake up to every morning. You die inside everytime they look at that someone with that look, the same look that you have, everytime you see them.

The feeling of knowing that you would be there for them no matter what is excruciating. They would run back to that someone whole because of you. They will say they love you after everything and you would wish how it was enough, for them to be yours. You feel drained everyday because you used up every ounce of strength to smile, to breathe and be okay. You love them so much that you would rather hurt and die than to let them know what is wrong. You love them so much that it hurts to even breathe. You know you can be their everything like how they are to you. You would never hurt them and you would make them happy.

Life is never fair. I guess all these makes you bitter sometimes.


I love you. Please tell me that you love me back.

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