Sunday, May 15, 2011

My most normal but happiest birthday

It was a normal day out. But I had fun. For the first time ever, I spend my birthday like any other day. I helped Abigail and Emery to shop for the things needed for the play. Well, I didn't exactly helped but I tagged along and gave suggestions when needed to and that is helping :) And Abby bought me a mango ice cream as my birthday treat :D

The morning started out with the extended student council meeting. It ended around 12pm. And I watched some of my friends rehearse for the play for IS night. It was good. There are sweet scenes that makes you just AAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be good play :D

I'm still debating whether to go for IS night or not. I dont want to buy the dress because I don't think I will be able to fit into one. It's just embarrassing.

After the shopping stuff thing, I went to Emery's house to chillax. I like going to her house. Her house is just gorgeous. She took a nap while I went on facebook. I really see no point of going on facebook sometimes but you just click on it automatically.

Emery seem to have taken my birthday as a reason to go crazy because she tells every single person that we meet and know that's my birthday. I'm not sure if I am reacting to the whole being-the-center-of-attention thing or I just don't like people knowing but I just don't want people to know it's my birthday.

When I went to her youth, she just HAD to announce to EVERYONE IN THE ROOM, "IT'S TRYPHENA'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!" I was like "Dude, shut up!" But oh well, a lot of people knew. When she told her mum, I feel bad when she gave me an ang pau. I mean she didn't have to, really. But I was grateful anyway. Her mum also gave me a hug :DDDD

Well, anyway, when it was nearly ending, we stood up to pray. And i had a phone call so I left the room but about 15 seconds later, someone told me to go inside for a while but since I was on the phone, I motioned later.

After the phone call, I went in and the second I stepped in the doorway, I heard "HAPPY..." and I ran back out. xD I guess I panicked. The same thing happened last year when Vui Ting surprised me with a cake and stuff. Darren had to literally push me into the room. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH But I cannot believe I ran out of the room.

Even though I didn't have party or didn't do anything special like jump off a cliff or something, I had fun today. I am not someone who cares about how much you spend on my birthday gift or how big was the party that you threw me. I don't give a shit about it. It's always the thought that counts. To me, a gift is something that comes from the heart and cannot be bought entirely by money.

Personally, I would find a heart-felt letter more valuable than a very expensive gift. I am never a materialistic person so I treasure letters and photos more because they come from the heart and hold memories that are precious and irreplaceable.

Emery is one of the people that I would like to thank for making 14, May, 2011 a special day for me. So, EMERY THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU!!! AND YOU'RE GOING DOWN ON 27th SEPT!!!!

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