Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It's like 3 more days till the holidays.. I'm happy that I dont need to study but I'm annoyed that i will be stuck at home with nothing but the internet, tv and myself. >.< I'm totally ignoring the fact that I would be going to KL for like 10 days.. But what am i going to do when I come back? I know one thing, getting used to braces thats for sure.. Screw braces..

SPM next year.. ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!! Think I'm studying during the holidays =/ Isn't a bad idea though.. But I prefer being bored than to face one chapter each from Biology, Chemistry and Physic. =P Last time to enjoy being 16 right? haha..

Guess thats all I have to say, for now I guess... i feel like shopping now XD I need new shoes and jeans..

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