Thursday, November 12, 2009




LASTdayofsenior1!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! IthinkI'mexcited!!!!




Here we go...


I'm also a lil sad >.< My "honeymoon year" gone... Swiftly.... In a blink of an eye... Goodbye.... :'(

Next year... Me... A slave to the ALL MIGHTY SPM..... Come to think of it, it actually isn't really all that mighty.. It's just hard for me because it has Malay subjects xD

*laughs weakly*

Seriously, how can they consider moral as a subject?

I mean think about it, a person knows about picking up the trash is a good thing and he or she properly knows that it will help or save or preserve the planet, blah, blah, blah... They can also dictate the "nilai"s without any mistakes. But it doesn't prove that they are morally good or something like that..


Case 1:
I got an A for my SPM moral..
I know all my "nilai murni's" inside out because I only memorised it for exam's sake..
One day, I saw a kitten.. It's cute but I'm bored.. So, I kicked it.. -.-
*talk about love and protect the animals*

Case 2:
I did badly for my SPM moral because I couldn't cramp every single "nilai" in my 5 G head..
I can't write out all in the moral values in ink but it sure is inside here.. *points to my heart*
One day, I saw a dog, it's homeless and hungry.. I took him home and gave him food..

If you're a decent human being with common sense, I think you would 99.99% choose the person in case 2..

Getting a better grade doesn't make you a better person.. It just shows how much you know.. Like me for instance, my English essays are like good *not bragging here, but they say so*, but I suck when it comes to speaking in English, hahah....

Conclusion, Moral should be eliminated from the education system!!!!!!!! I wish, hahahaha......!!!!!

The night before yesterday night, I dreamt I was a fighting FISH!!! I can hold a gun with my fins and everything =] Weird..... >.< But cool!!!

I'm getting too random.. I think the stuff I'n talking about is slowly straying away from y blog's title.. xD

Tomorrow.... Graduation... Report Card... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

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