Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Let me use, use, use you up tonight.
Give me all, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're mine

It's an AWESOME song!!!! Wonder why it took me this long to actually listen to Skrillex.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Holidays. Brothers.

Holidays are so unproductive. I am going back to KK in about 2 hours. I really don't enjoy long journeys in the car but too bad, they don't have airports here so yeah.

Maybe this is weird to say so but I'm not afraid to admit that I miss my brothers. I cried when I was told by my mum that my dad misses us. My brother is at camp and I'm at a sleepover two hours away. My mum said that dad said things are going to be something like this if my brother and I are studying overseas or something next time. I burst into tears after reading the text.

Then I told my brother that daddy misses us. My brother called right after that. Telling me that they are playing Frisbee and he got another cut on his leg which I found amusing for some reason. Then after that phone call, I was in tears?

Now I'm thinking that IF I really go somewhere to study, I am REALLY going to miss my family.

Ugh. I can't be all sad and teary. I should stop talking.

Till next time.

I don't know why but I miss my brother.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's been weeks since I've seen you
I know you were gone
I told myself that
It only makes sense if
I didn't like you anymore.
And prove this to myself,
I told you how I felt.
I felt nothing when
You told me your heart belongs to another.

I told myself that I am fine
That I had given you up
I thought I've forgotten you
Thought you were out of my mind
For all I know.

Then this song came on.
The aching feeling reminded me of something, someone
Someone that was suppose to be gone
Then I realised it was you.
I have been lying to myself.
Lying that I've stopped liking you.
When in reality,
I was just forcing myself to believe that
I wasn't falling for you anymore.

I swear I'm going to cry for you
I swear I'm not going to think about you.
I swear I'm letting you go.
I swear I don't like you anymore.
I swear..

I miss you.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My most normal but happiest birthday

It was a normal day out. But I had fun. For the first time ever, I spend my birthday like any other day. I helped Abigail and Emery to shop for the things needed for the play. Well, I didn't exactly helped but I tagged along and gave suggestions when needed to and that is helping :) And Abby bought me a mango ice cream as my birthday treat :D

The morning started out with the extended student council meeting. It ended around 12pm. And I watched some of my friends rehearse for the play for IS night. It was good. There are sweet scenes that makes you just AAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be good play :D

I'm still debating whether to go for IS night or not. I dont want to buy the dress because I don't think I will be able to fit into one. It's just embarrassing.

After the shopping stuff thing, I went to Emery's house to chillax. I like going to her house. Her house is just gorgeous. She took a nap while I went on facebook. I really see no point of going on facebook sometimes but you just click on it automatically.

Emery seem to have taken my birthday as a reason to go crazy because she tells every single person that we meet and know that's my birthday. I'm not sure if I am reacting to the whole being-the-center-of-attention thing or I just don't like people knowing but I just don't want people to know it's my birthday.

When I went to her youth, she just HAD to announce to EVERYONE IN THE ROOM, "IT'S TRYPHENA'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!" I was like "Dude, shut up!" But oh well, a lot of people knew. When she told her mum, I feel bad when she gave me an ang pau. I mean she didn't have to, really. But I was grateful anyway. Her mum also gave me a hug :DDDD

Well, anyway, when it was nearly ending, we stood up to pray. And i had a phone call so I left the room but about 15 seconds later, someone told me to go inside for a while but since I was on the phone, I motioned later.

After the phone call, I went in and the second I stepped in the doorway, I heard "HAPPY..." and I ran back out. xD I guess I panicked. The same thing happened last year when Vui Ting surprised me with a cake and stuff. Darren had to literally push me into the room. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH But I cannot believe I ran out of the room.

Even though I didn't have party or didn't do anything special like jump off a cliff or something, I had fun today. I am not someone who cares about how much you spend on my birthday gift or how big was the party that you threw me. I don't give a shit about it. It's always the thought that counts. To me, a gift is something that comes from the heart and cannot be bought entirely by money.

Personally, I would find a heart-felt letter more valuable than a very expensive gift. I am never a materialistic person so I treasure letters and photos more because they come from the heart and hold memories that are precious and irreplaceable.

Emery is one of the people that I would like to thank for making 14, May, 2011 a special day for me. So, EMERY THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU!!! AND YOU'RE GOING DOWN ON 27th SEPT!!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just Don't

Don’t eatyou’re gonna get fatter.
Don’t talkyou’re making yourself look fucking stupid.
Don’t laughit’s annoying as fuck.
Don’t hold onyou’re going to fucking let go sooner or later anyways.
Don’t expect someone to make an effort with you, you’re just gonna let yourself down again.
Don’t trywhats the fucking point?
Don’t cryyou’re fucking weak.
Don’t feel anything anymorenumbness is all you fucking know now.
Don’t hope for freedomthese chains are never going to be cut loose. Ever.
Don’t even breatheit’s fucking pointless.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4 days till my big one eight.

It will be about 4 days till I turn 18.
Am I happy? No, not really.
Am I nervous? What's there to be nervous about, right?

I don't know what I'm feeling. I just don't feel like celebrating it anyway.
I just want to curl up in my room on my birthday and stay there till day is over.

Can someone explain to me why I'm feeling like this?
Never mind, I don't think I want to know anyway.
God, this kind of feeling sucks.


I miss him. A lot.
I miss him more than I should.
I miss him too much for my own good.
