Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A marriage proposal that I will never get make.

I knew exactly what love looks like.
When I saw you at the airport, luggage in hand, 
eyes still hazy from sleep, I knew you were everything I could ever asked for.
When you wake up in the morning, grumpy, 
morning breath, shirt up to your stomach, 
love of my life.

If someone asked where I see myself in ten years,
"Me and her in a condo", I'd say.
We would have a big couch with white goose feather pillows,
a kitchen with brightly colored utensils.
I see us dancing in the living room, kissing with juice-stained lips,
We would try to count the stars from our bedroom window,
pretend we live in another galaxy, with our pet dog.
If someone asked where I see myself in ten years,
I say I'd be with you in our little piece of heaven,

Being loved by you is the most painless thing that I never deserved,
Being loved by you felt like turning at the last right on the way back home. 
You make me want to wave at strangers that pass by me,
make me want to go skydiving even though I have a fear of heights.
You make me feel like I can never drown when I swim,
like I can never die; and if I do, it's okay.
You make me feel like I have nothing to be afraid of. 
When I am with you, there was nothing I couldn't do.

Of all the times that I have pictured you in a wedding dress, 
this was the one time when I also see myself next to you. 
If I had a dollar for the times when people asked if I was sure,
I could pay for the rest of our lives. 
I get to hold your hand forever, wake up next to you, kiss you good night,
tell you to get milk, drive you to places, eat burgers - forever. 

You are my best friend and my soul mate.
When I kiss you, I can taste the next fifty years of my life.
I promise to love you, treasure you and call you Sugarpie for as long as I'm alive.
I love you so much.
Will you marry me?

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