Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Refusal as it is.

I refuse to see this.
Refuse to accept this.
You've changed.
Yes, I know.
I don't want to see it.
I don't want to understand this.

You are bad for me.
Always have, still is.
You are different back then.
But at least I know you.
I know how to react,
I know what to do.

Now this just doesn't make sense
Everything doesn't add up.
I don't see you anymore
You never bother to call
That I've ever known.
Poof, just like that.

Yes, you were different
But at least I was attuned to it.
Like someone trying to understand a radio station
Even though it speaks not the language that they know
But they try their best to understand it.
Now it's different.
Everything's different

I'm not going to hold on to you
Just because you pretend to hold on to me.
I don't want to care about you anymore
Even though I know deep inside I still will no matter what
I don't want to believe in you
Don't want you in my life

I want you to be gone from my life
Long gone.
I moved on.
I really did.

I don't want you.
I don't need you.
I don't want..
I don't.
I really don't.

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