Monday, April 25, 2011

Guess who has good news?

I passed QTI or QIT. Whichever it is, I passed it.
Now I get to TRY to pass my driving test so that I get my driver's license.

Dear cars,
please be nice to me on Wednesday.

School holidays are cool. I get to sleep late and get up late. No, wait. I have laundry to do. So nope, I still have to be up by 8. I get the house to myself which is nice but oddly annoying because you get bored sometimes.

Picnic this Friday with CF! BBOOOOOOYYAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Saturday. Kabaddi video shoot. Naaaaiiiccccceeeeee.

So now, i'm trying my best not to be sleepy. Guess what? IT'S NOT WORKING!

I don't know why but I WANT TO EAT PEARS!!! Pears are yummy! Pears are good. Pears are friends that taste good. My GOD, I did NOT just go there.

I am sleepy. Things look weird and WHY THE HELL ARE THEY MOVING??? I think I'm going crazy. Guess that's what insomnia does to yahh.

I hope everything goes well on Saturday. I don't want to ruin things and make it irreversible. Sometimes I would wonder if I make the right choice but I know I will regret it more if I don't do it. Thinking about this, I WANNA RUN AND HIDE IN A CAVE NAAAWWWWW!!!!!


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