Saturday, July 9, 2011

Be my reason to love again.

I was blinking my eyes, trying so hard
not to let the tears fall.
A part of me ached, for something
That the other part would not let me have.
I know I am putting myself on the front line
If I take this risk again, with love.
How do I trust something that I feel
But unseen?
Something that may trick me or perhaps
Make me crumble once more?

Do I let you in?
let you love me.
Or keep my distance, so I do not fall
Too hard
And end up trying to stand up, alone.

I love you.
There is no doubt.
It is actually something to me, that
You feel that way too.
I don't wish for a fairy tale ending nor
Do I wish for it to be a movie.
But please, one thing, is all I ask for
Give me a reason to believe again.
Show me why exactly should I love again.
Tell me how should I open up, once more?

Please be my spark of hope
And my reason to love again.

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