Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last two subjects of SPM.

Excited? Not really.

Sad? Yes, very.

Monday was my last day taking an exam with my class, S2Zhi. I miss everyone already.

I miss the toilet, teachers, friends, hall, library, canteen, very annoying principle *:D* and and and.... *cries*

Wish there was a way to let me relive this year one more time. I know there are a few very umm.. unpleasant moments but this year is THE MOST AMAZING YEAR of my life. I wouldn't give anything to change it.

My amazing friends..
Thank you for the birthday party and the cake.
Thank you for standing by me.
Thank you for having faith in me and believing that I can actually overcome my problems. Thank you for trusting in me and doubting the rumors along the way.
Thank you for not believing the worst of me and know in your hearts that I am modest.
Thank you for wiping away my tears and giving me unlimited hugs.
Thank you for putting up with me and my bad temper.
Thank you for sitting by me when I'm lonely.
Thank you for not saying anything but being there when I need you the most.
Thank you for giving me a chance again.
Thank you for reminding me that bullies are meant to be stood up to.
Most of all,
Thank you for teaching the real meaning of friendship.

'Nuf said :)

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