Sunday, July 12, 2020

Beach waves and filters

I saw my life, slow motion, and red-blue filters
Slow kisses and slow dances
Crashing beach waves and salty wind that tangles your hair

I went from walking next to you at the beach
to trying to follow your footprints
Then, my world turned grey as the skies darkened

I hear the wind howling, waves trying to drag me into the sea
You were on the shore, body facing me but head turned away
The storm drowned out me shouting for you, I wished it drowned me

Then the storm went away, left me choking on seawater on the shore
I knew you were long gone, the waves have washed away your footprints
So, I wandered in the same direction where you left

I still looked for you, sometimes in the beach houses or under a tree
I learned to build my own sandcastles or try to enjoy being at the beach
I looked at every face that resembled yours

I got a different filter now, everything is tinted orange
The beach looks brighter, the sun even brighter
I don't know if I am happy, it's hard to tell with this color

One day, I saw footprints again, exactly what yours were like
It took everything in me to not sit there and just miss you
How it felt miserable and wonderful to do so

I can't say I am happy, I no longer feel a purpose
I wait to hear your voice every year, that's why I allow myself to miss you
I realized when I did,  I can see in that red-blue filter again