Sunday, March 6, 2011


Definition of joy

It is a baby laying his cheek on his mother's face while playing with her hair with a smile on his face.
It is a child playing with his toy car while making "vroom vroom" sounds.
It is a girl drawing in the living room while listening to her mother cooking in the kitchen.

It is waking up in the morning with a smile on your face while being grateful for the air you breathe.
It is lying on the grass and watching the clouds roll by.
It is being able to sit anywhere without fearing of being seen.
It is walking and singing at the same time with a smile on your face.

It is dancing in the rain with soaking wet clothes.
It is singing in the shower like there's no tomorrow.
It is loving others like you've never been hurt before.

It does not need money.
It does not need time.
It does not require energy.
In fact, it does not require much.

It is gratefulness  for everything you have.
It is appreciation for the little things that happen in life.
It is being able to smile while facing difficult situations.
It is embracing both the good and the bad.

It takes very little.
In fact, it does not take much.
Just a smile, a big heart
A different outlook in life, a refusal to be beaten down
And that has made the difference.

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